Random reflections about being an adult

Itching to write and express myself in some other way beyond advertising or corporate writing… As I battle with stiff neck these past few days, listen to chill music that’s getting me all reflective and scroll through my Instagram feed looking at the adventures I went on just a few years ago, I realise that I’ve not been living the past years, especially after I’ve started working. I mean COVID-19 had a big part to play too, but I was also burnt out from travelling.

There are multiple ways I can choose to relax or live my life, and that isn’t limited to travelling. But when my routine is sleep, work, eat, work, sleep, repeat… I start to question myself if I’m happy. And if this is what life is all about.

My goals at the start of the year have changed, and I’ve come to realise that happiness and health (no matter how much you work, how much you earn or save) is irreplaceable. Yet, my toxic relationship with work still stands. I’ve probably used work to conceal and tide over familial pain and felt the need to be productive all the time. When I’m unproductive, I beat myself up over it, rather than tell myself that it’s okay. It’s okay to take a break. It’s fine to rest and watch a few videos that aren’t about improving your skills at work or developing yourself for a career-related pursuit.

Looking back, I’m glad I did the things I did (when I’m younger and free-er) because sometimes I wonder if I’m the same person as me a year ago, a few years ago. Would I do the same things I did before? When you’re made aware of your responsibilities at home financially and physically, would I jump out of a plane (skydiving, not ending my life btw) without a care in the world? Would I choose to travel solo for my first overseas trip and bungee jump in that same trip? I would probably think twice.

As my parents start becoming older and I’m the only child, I want the best for them. And yet I feel the burden of providing for them and for my future self (Think: my own house, future bills).

Should COVID-19 become a thing of the past with no imminent threat to our lives, would I go out and enjoy the views and beauty the world has to offer? I’m not so sure, yet I miss that life. I’m thankful for the flexibility my work has to offer, but I’m pretty sure I’ll not be a full-time digital nomad. Maybe part-time, and part-time homebody.

My CouchSurfing host was fine and good until this happened

CouchSurfing—you love it, you hate it. If you haven’t heard of this term, I’ve looked into the good and the bad of CouchSurfing before I attempted it.

I enjoy learning about a foreign place from a local or a person living there. I don’t know how travelling can get more authentic than that. Till now, I have kept in touch with friends from this platform.

What I’m about to share is something that happened to me in China where I was surfing with a couple. They were very welcoming and treated me to some local food and drinks (tea, not alcohol if that’s what you’re thinking hahaha). There were other guests as well with them and we talked and shared stories with one another.

My guy host then continued to drink alcohol with his friends and one guest. The rest of us made our way home. My female host showed me around the house and got me settled.

I had a room to myself with my own bed, similar to that of renting a room. I was going to be there for one night and I already felt very much at home. After taking a shower and researching the other places I was about to head to (plus interacting with the couple and the other guests in the living room), we got ready to sleep.

I am more than appreciative of the couple for giving me the experience as a local and a nice place to stay. But me being me, I will still be wary and make sure to protect myself in every way. After all, they are people I am meeting for the first time. And a measure I take is to lock my room door before I sleep. (I’m fully aware that doing that is not sufficient because the host will definitely have keys and stuff. That’s why selecting good hosts is extremely important.)

That night, I was already on the bed using my phone and getting ready to switch the lights off. The door was already closed and I felt so comfortable that I decided I would not even lock the door.

I guess that was a wrong decision because what happened next left me shook. I was asleep and then I felt a presence. (This is not a horror story by the way HAHAHA.) I was groggy and confused because I was supposed to be all alone. I woke up to find someone climbing onto my bed. And mind you, the bed was a small one. A guy was getting onto the bed?!

He was in just his boxer briefs. I asked him what’s happening and he didn’t respond. He just tried getting onto the bed and I immediately sat up, rolled over and got up. I was never more awake than I was then.

The guy was my male host. I started thinking back to the way he looked at me at the dinner table. I didn’t know what to do.

He seemed unresponsive and that felt better because an awake man climbing onto the bed would be more frightening. I felt violated but more confused than anything. I looked at him from the end of the bed and he was sleeping soundly.

I would have to talk to him to get him up, right? But it’s his house? And what if he grabs me onto the bed? Did he make his way to my room because he was unable to fall asleep in his bed? Everything didn’t make sense at all.

Regretting my decision to leave the door unlocked, I switched the lights on. He didn’t stir. I left the room because I was terrified. I still wasn’t sure if he was a threat or not. I walked around the living room wondering if there was a better spot to rest. I could not find anything. I remembered the lady host telling me to reach her if I needed anything or whatsoever.

I popped my head into the couple’s room and saw that the guy was not there (obviously) but his wife was sleeping. Should I wake her up to tell her that her man was in my room?

Suddenly, I heard movement.

The lady was moving and realising her man was not by her side, she peered out the door. I told her softly that the guy host went into my room. I don’t know if she knew what happened because she also just woke up.

She then got up and followed me into my room. There he was, this big guy sleeping in his boxer briefs. She was shocked and woke him up to get him to move. He then opened his eyes and asked her where he was. She held him whilst he was still dazed and they went back to their room. Before she left, she reminded me to lock the door.

When I woke up, she explained that he was drunk and went the wrong way after he visited the toilet. He apologised as well and said he didn’t even know what happened. It made sense.

However, there is one thing I still can’t get. Why would he go to the toilet in the common area when there was already one in his own room? :/


What a scary experience for a female solo traveller that is me… :/ Lesson learnt is to always stay alert and never let your guard down.

I picked up these bad habits in China and now it’s so damn hard to kick them…

And it is not spitting (if you don’t know yet, some old people in China have this habit of clearing their throats by spitting anywhere and everywhere, even on the bus). I’m not talking travel withdrawal (yes friends, I’m back from China!!!).

I’m referring to withdrawal from caffeine (AND SUGAR) since I relied on it so much during my internship. Anyone feel me?

Sources of sugar in China… 😦

I always wonder why my dad sips his cup of joe ever so frequently and why people always need to get their Starbucks before work. And now I truly get it. It is tiring. Work is going to get tiring at some point. Of course that doesn’t mean it will remain exhausting. The lethargy just hits you sometimes. In those moments where you feel like you are going to sink into the office chair, coffee becomes your best friend. At least it works for me and it keeps me running for the next few hours.

Popular cafe in Shanghai

I’ve not been a fan of 9 to 5 because I believe in doing my work OTOT (own time own target). Procrastination will come knocking at your door but it beats sitting in the office forcing yourself to get something done. Sometimes I feel the office environment is great but other times, it’s too cold, too noisy, too bright…

So, how did I start my coffee intake? I started trying instant coffee from sachets I got in bulk. Then when I finished the coffee packets, I tried a coffee application and got my first cup free. Subsequently, I got discounted coffee from another coffee app. This then led to me craving coffee before I began work such that I had to march to McDonald’s to get some caffeine in me. Good or bad coffee, I needed the energy boost.

Did work out of office at a cafe!

At school now, I’ve not been buying coffee daily but will drink it from time to time. In fact, I’ve been finding the sugar addiction tougher to fend off. I will crave all sorts of sugary things, like cakes and drinks (tea, hot chocolate, soda, milk tea). And that’s from the habit of drinking a ton of milk tea in China.

I couldn’t help it but I drank milk tea almost daily there. Bubble tea was so damn good there and they had such a wide variety of flavours. (Okay if you’re reading this from China, my personal favourites are: 1點點 (yi dian dian),The Alley, 乐乐茶 (le le cha).)

Great great great milk tea

I knew I was going to be there for only a period of a few months and I didn’t want to regret not trying enough of whatever I wanted to. Therefore, I just went all out to grab whatever I wanted to eat or drink. I was bent on kicking the bad habits and detox when I came back. BUT has it been a success? Not quite because I seem to make it a point to eat or drink something ultra sugary daily, such as yogurt, donuts, hot chocolate, milk tea, ice cream and desserts. You name it, I eat it.

The best yogurt I’ve tasted in my life from Chongqing

I read an article recently about a three-week diet to cut down on sugar. The gist of it was to replace the “bad” sugars with the sugars from fruits, and then cutting the servings of fruits consumed. Over time, the sugar addiction will be curbed. It always scares me to think about how diabetes is so common in Singapore and amongst many people.

It also scares me how most young people still take in so much sugar every day. Not to stereotype here but I would say most Asians love their milk tea and most Americans need their coffee.

After all the talk about how bad these habits of mine are, what’s happening right now? So… by the end of yesterday, I have had two cups of hot chocolate. I really wonder how I can bid goodbye to these unhealthy habits. Does anyone have a clue?

The point of this post is for me to take note of whatever I’m doing, keep my body in check and be accountable for my actions.

Time to really drink up. 😛

You would not believe how I was hit on

Or at least it was unbelievable to me. I was doing a work trip (it’s just a one-hour visit) to a sports place (which shall remain unnamed) to try out a certain sport. It was all good with the teacher guiding me and dishing out really useful tips. I was in touch with the manager of the place all along and the coach was unaware that I was doing this trial as part of work.

My unamused face at this encounter…
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Photograph: Annis

When he was teaching me, he asked questions here and there. I then realised he did not know I was not a potential future student (sorry for the double negative). I told him I was writing an article about the topic.

It felt normal to me when he popped the question a few times of whether I would be coming back. I thought it was because his job would be at stake if a student doing a trial did not sign up eventually. I clarified with him and he said that it was not due to that. And I heaved a sigh of relief. I mean he was a great teacher who could easily point out areas for improvement and complimented me when I did well. It felt like a fun trial.

Not when class ended though. Things became a little bit unusual when the teacher gave me some weird looks as if he had something to say but could not say it at his workplace. I sensed something amiss. When the manager talked to me, he asked if I would show him my article before it was published. I was not able to agree because this was not standard practice. And so far, nobody has asked that of me in my stint in this media company in China. Whilst I was chatting to the manager, I somehow turned my head to the direction of the instructor.

He really seemed like he had something important to tell me and all that was in my head was that this company might have secrets to hide. Was he unhappy in his job? Did he want me to know the actual plight of employees or students there? Was the manager a bad guy in disguise? My thoughts ran wild. There was a phone call for the manager and I told him to go ahead to pick it up. During that time, the teacher gestured to me. I stood up and was heading in his direction when he pointed me to the washroom and said that it was empty and I could use it. (Yes, I did ask the manager about where the toilet was at earlier, and that was how the instructor knew I needed the loo as well.) It still felt out of the ordinary for the teacher to tell me the toilet was empty and that I could use it? There were toilets for males and females, so how would he know the female one had no one inside? I was confused but thought nothing of it.

My gut feeling told me the instructor had something to say to me. So when I finished speaking to the manager, I looked across to the instructor who was writing on a slip of paper. I said goodbye to the manager, walked slowly down the steps knowing full well the instructor was going to catch up with me to tell me something, and then he handed me a Post-it. Before I saw the note, he told me that he would take about five minutes and he had something to say. The note had his number, name and a message written in Mandarin: “Starbucks across the road, wait for me.”

Confusion was an understatement. I thought I was going to uncover terrible secrets that would not allow me to write about this company anymore. I was scared because it was 8 p.m. and quite dark. I was also in a neighbourhood I was unfamiliar with. Nevertheless, I decided to go ahead and find the Starbucks to wait for him.

In the meantime, I made sure to send a friend some information about where I was and what I was up to, and also a picture of the note. Within a few minutes, the instructor came and sat down. He asked me if I would like anything to drink. I said it was late and coffee was a bad idea because it would then keep me awake at night. The first thing I asked before anything else was: “What was it you wanted to say?” In my head, something juicy was going to land in my ears. I was wrong.

He said things that were absolutely unexpected: “I just wanted to get to know you because you said you would not be coming back. And I wanted to buy you a drink. Or are you hungry after the lesson? Do you want some food?” He offered to get me a drink or some food at Starbucks.

I told him I was good, and I asked him if he wanted to drink. I really thought we were going to discuss the history of the company and the management, et cetera. I would not need all that information but I was simply being professional.

We exchanged a few words and yes he got my number. How? Remember the note where he wrote his number? When he sat across from me at Starbucks, he told me to call his number. And I couldn’t do anything else except to do what I was told, right? I mean we met each other as part of my work.

I then asked where he was from, in a bid to make it a not-so-odd situation for the both of us. He gave me a generic answer (I think he said south) but I probed further and in front of me, he texted me the answer. Don’t know why he would do that… HAHA. And then he said it was late and asked how I was going home. I said I would take the train. After that, we walked out of Starbucks.

And we walked for a short distance together and I asked why he was accompanying me, but phrased that wrongly. It seemed like I was asking why he was following me. To clear the air, I told him that what I meant was he did not have to walk me anywhere if it’s not the direction he was headed to. He then said he would walk me to the T-junction.

When we reached, we said goodbye and that pretty much concludes the most unusual experience of being hit on and not knowing that I was. He added me on WeChat but would I accept his request? I’m leaning more to the ‘no’ side.

You would never guess I did this in China

HEYYY, it’s been a few months… I’m trying to sneak in a short post before work officially starts at 10… It’s 20 minutes or so to that time… As much as I absolutely love penning my thoughts in my blog, travelling and getting used to a new country is a lot of work. Especially difficult when I keep falling sick (be it the small colds or “big” coughs that didn’t go away for weeks and made me worry excessively that I might have a hole in one of my organs)…

Apart from learning many new things and gaining a deeper understanding of the world (okay maybe not the world, just China), yes, it’s time for the big reveal (okay you probably guessed it from the picture)… I dyed my hair.

This is how it looks when you take the photo of said hair with an iPhone.

Credits: Jermyn

This is how it looks when you take the photo with friend’s phone, which shows the actual colour.

Credits: Jermyn

I got super excited I was just smiling in my chair at the hair salon almost the entire time? (Obviously I had my friend with me, so I was not just looking silly grinning to myself.) There were quite a number of staff members, including the main hairdresser/ hairstylist. One of them washed my hair and he was amused with how happy I was… I still remember how he told me tongue-in-cheek to “淡定” (translates to “calm”).

Updates about my work (internship), life in China and my travels here… Don’t have an exact date they will be up but they will definitely be up at one point or another. :p

Credits: Jermyn

3 a.m. thoughts about leaving home for half a year

Call it the only-child syndrome, or a sudden rush of emotions realising that in about two weeks I will be on the plane to China and will only be back in August… Or knowing that as fast as I realise time goes, time can actually pass slow… Having experienced the States for six months and knowing how too much new can become old, how travelling (or just being away for that matter) can be exhausting… How people drift away and sometimes you have absolutely no control… How you crave the old, the routine, and the comfort zone that is home.

After going on a few trips, coming back home to Singapore always gives me joy. I feel blessed to be born here and live in a safe environment with doting parents. Leaving all these, leaving a life that I have with amazing family and friends is tough.

This internship programme will take me to Shanghai for half a year. Why did I decide to take the leap? (I still am in awe of my friends who study abroad for years. How do they even do it?)

I want to pursue my dreams, to force myself to grow in an environment that I am unfamiliar and potentially uncomfortable (due to the uncertainty) with. I have done an internship in Singapore in the final year of my polytechnic education. Now that I am in college, what can I learn from a different market, another country?

When I was in the States on my exchange, I went there knowing I didn’t just go to travel. I clinched my spot on radio in the States which didn’t come easy at all, as it would typically require about a year of training prior to getting on air. I worked hard to get trained in a short span of time. My stint at Mediacorp (my polytechnic internship company) allowed me to grasp things more quickly too. And I made it. I became a DJ hosting my own show twice a week throughout the semester on an American radio station, in the land of opportunity.

I did a travel show. And of course a travel show wouldn’t be possible without actual travelling. I visited 16 states: Washington, Nevada, California, Arizona, Texas, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Florida, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania (where my school was), New Jersey, New York and Hawaii. Plus Washington, D.C. with my best friend from the U.S. Oh and I made a trip to Canada too (right before finals LOL)! 😀

I love travelling. I love the media. Put two and two together and an overseas internship is the way to go. I want to learn about the world, outside of the shelter that is Singapore. The best way will be to experience life there, to connect with the place and the people.

Home also holds a fair share of memories I wish to wipe out from my memory bank. What better way to get a fresh start than heading to a new land?

Maybe add that to the travelling debt that I have accumulated for 20 years where my parents have been protective and not allowed me to travel, even with the school. Mostly because of my nasty skin condition when I was younger (specifically eczema), #onlychildwoes, #beingadaughter, and the crazy financial burden that came along with travelling. Gotta put it out there that not all Singaporeans are rich. #debunkingmyths

I feel the pressure even before I am out there, as I am working harder than ever making money to make sure I can be financially independent in China and not take a penny from my parents. I wanna make them proud. I wanna make my family and friends proud. More than that, I wanna reach my goal of being a news anchor so that I can inspire others to believe in themselves and pursue their dreams. Ultimately, I want to serve others rather than serve myself.

And that’s why when I came back from my exchange in the States, I joined the Global Education and Mobility (GEM) Club, an exchange student club in my university, as vice president. Having been an exchange student once, I want to do what I can for fellow exchange students.

Before you get the impression that these thoughts are coming from an unhappy place, I wanna clarify and point out that I feel extremely blessed to be able to get this internship in the first place, to be able to do something I love. Leaving my family (my sickly mother and ageing grandparents) and friends behind is difficult. It’s like leaving an entire life behind. But I’m determined to do this and do it well. It’s not going to be easy but it’s going to be worth it.

Credits: Tay Zhi Liang

This weird thing happened to me at the airport

My last post before I get on the plane in several hours!!! And this weird thing I’m gonna be talking about has nothing to do with the picture. HAHAHA and I also reckon this story I’m sharing would not be weird if it happened in some other country… but Singapore? Really?

Have you ever hugged someone to see someone staring right back at you? Not the person you are hugging but someone you don’t know?

That was what happened at Changi when I sent my exchange friend off. I was hugging her because it would be a few years or longer before we would see each other again. Whilst we were in a tight and pretty long embrace, I could see in front of me a man dressed very formally standing alone. He was smiling to himself and not-very-subtly sneaking looks in my direction. Not the curious or the I’m-looking-for-something look… but something… unexplainable. It felt weird. :/

He was probably in his late 30s. I then decided to look away by tilting my head a little because wouldn’t it feel awkward to hug a friend and make eye contact with a stranger smiling right back at cha?

So yes… I thought nothing of it except during those seconds my exchange friend and I were in each other’s arms. We exchanged a few words of how we would miss each other and to keep in touch. I then walked away after seeing her enter the departure hall and getting her bags through security.

I completely forgot all about the guy who made me that tad bit uncomfortable. I decided to give a friend a ring because it was still early and I wanted to grab dinner outside. Yay to impromptu meetings! After the phone call (which did not get through because my friend was not on his phone), I was rummaging in my bag for my earphones when I heard “I thought you were going to cry”.

LOL that same guy who stared at me was walking alongside me. WHAT? How did that even happen without me noticing? Then he started chatting with me and asked me if the exchange friend was my girlfriend (Idk if he meant girlfriend or girl friend) and I said she was my friend on exchange. Then he asked if I was a poly student and if I was a local.

I then directed questions back at him because it wouldn’t be fair for me to keep answering questions, right? I asked him if he was a local and he said he was a permanent resident and he was sending his Australian friend off. He continued bombarding me with questions. I made sure not to divulge too much because he’s a stranger after all.

I didn’t know how we managed to talk that much in a short span of time but all thanks to the good placement of the washroom, I excused myself politely to scoot in there. I made sure to stay in there for some time so that there was no chance I would bump into him if he were to be hanging around outside.

Come to think of it, is it just me or do I find this encounter slightly unusual? Was I right to escape from this situation (even though the conversation did not take an uncomfortable turn and I was rather chill throughout) or would I have made a new friend? :p

Final dinner with the exchange pals! :’>

Thanks my beautiful exchange friend Swapnika for this photo! 🙂
26036202_1449540678491947_1441183879_o.jpgCredits: Swapnika Bhrugumalla

BEFORE I GO… Merry Christmas my friends! SENDING LOVE TO EVERYONE!~

6 places to soak up the festive vibes and you don’t wanna miss number 3

I hope this post will help anyone racking their brains on what to do this weekend in sunny (okay correction: rainy) Singapore. Everyone should be allowed to feast their eyes on beautiful things and enjoy the magical moment that is Christmas… Number 3 is something you need to check out before it’s too late!

Heading to Japan to celebrate Christmas on the actual day (and yes I still have a ton of stuff to settle) but here I am blogging about places to head to in Singapore to soak up the festive vibes… Such irony right? Whatever it is, Christmas is round the corner, so enjoy all these “happening” activities and events while you can!

I went to all these six places and had lotsa Christmas fun! They are free unless otherwise stated. :> And this post is filled with pictures to show you how magnificent everything is! 😛 Didn’t edit the pics though because #keepingitreal 😉

1. Flashbang Singapore
Nearest MRT Station: Somerset
Your Instagram feed is probably flooding with pictures of friends at this “retail playground”. Food and games prolly make it a perfect place to hang out but I did nothing there except walk around. I popped in because it looked inviting (plus it was free admission so no harm).

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Credits: Amalina Haris

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Credits: Amalina Haris

You were great company, my dear Amalina. ❤
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2. Changi Airport Terminals 2 and 3
Nearest MRT Station: Changi Airport
Other terminals may have things going on but I only went to these two terminals to send my friends off, so I’m just gonna talk about these two. The theme’s Hello Kitty, so you’re gonna see a lot of them everywhere. The decorations will be here till Jan 5 next year. And I think I missed this but there are drones and light and snow shows going on? Why was I not informed? T.T But it’s not too late for you (kinda late for me lel). Changi really has a whole lot going on.

Sending my exchange friend off!
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Credits: Swapnika Bhrugumalla

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More Changi photos…
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The number of bags you have Swapnika… I’m speechless… 😮
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3. GIF animated photo booth outside Paya Lebar Square Level 1 facing the MRT station
Nearest MRT Station: Paya Lebar
Get your very own hard copy GIFs!!! Check them out on my Instagram because I can’t post videos here sighpie… This will be on from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. today and then that’s the end. Yes, today as in Saturday! Dec 23! Rush down to take a look at this amazing creation. According to the mall’s Instagram account, this photo booth is the world’s first GIF-printing photo booth. Spend any amount at the mall and present your receipt at the booth to create your hard copy GIF animated photo. My bestie and I spent money on some fast food for dinner and the pictures we got were seriously cool.

4. Outside City Square Mall Level 1 City Green Park
Nearest MRT Station: Farrer Park
There’s the Christmas light-up which looks a little like this…

Featuring bestie with her cute haircut 😛
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No rain gonna stop me from immersing myself in the splendour of the place…

City Square Mall also has a ton going on too, so be sure to have loads of fun! Gosh I feel like I should be paid for all the publicity I’m doing for the malls LMAO.

5. Orchard Road Christmas light-up
Nearest MRT Station: Orchard
Something that is pretty much a tradition every year for Singapore’s town area… Fun fact: There was a contest that went on where the different buildings competed for best dressed. How cute right?



Yes it’s just a pillar but it looks pretty. 😛
Credits: Anugerah Muhammad Febriyansyah

6. Christmas Wonderland at Gardens by the Bay
Nearest MRT Station: Bayfront
Spend some money and head there with a good camera (phone camera works too) and you can take pictures at night with the beautiful lights and even fake snow lol.

Credits: Anugerah Muhammad Febriyansyah

Credits: Anugerah Muhammad Febriyansyah

Credits: Anugerah Muhammad Febriyansyah

Credits: Anugerah Muhammad Febriyansyah

Credits: Anugerah Muhammad Febriyansyah

Too hungry, so I ignored the photographer and started digging in…
Credits: Anugerah Muhammad Febriyansyah

Thanks friend for everything!

Credits: Anugerah Muhammad Febriyansyah

Experience blizzard (translation: fake snow which looks and feels like foam being blown vigorously into your face and hair) time! HAHAHA


Feels like the best Christmas for me so far~
Credits: Anugerah Muhammad Febriyansyah

How it feels like to have a close exchange friend leave

It had always been me saying goodbye to friends while I was on exchange, not so much the opposite of me saying goodbye to exchange friends. If you have exchange friends, here’s how it’s gonna feel when they fly off or what you have probably felt if they are already gone. In general, if you travel a lot and make friends with people from round the globe, this post will be quite relatable.

This was a little how it looked like leading up and on the day I sent my closest exchange friend off.

Initially, it didn’t feel like my friend was leaving for the Netherlands because he would be gone for periods of time for his travels around Asia. I was still taking it for granted that he would be around to meet up. We planned for outings to explore Singapore and to be honest, I have never seen so many beautiful parts of Singapore. Sometimes we would have a discussion about my nationality, whether I’m really Singaporean lel… More on places you can head to for your OOTDs and sightseeing in Singapore in another post!

Doesn’t this look like Hong Kong?

A day before his flight, we watched the light and water display at Marina Bay Sands and gosh, it was so different compared to the last time I saw it. He wanted to do it for the last time before he left.

We went for the show at 9 p.m. and it lasted for about 17 minutes. It was spectacular though we sat on the ground which was wet from the rain and had to check our bottoms for any stains. I was telling him how I would be crying at that point after watching such an amazing show if I were to be the one on exchange. Having been an exchange student before, I knew how heavy the heart must feel to leave your new home away from home.

Before that, we went to ION Orchard wanting to check out ION Sky, the indoor observation deck located on the 56th floor. BUT HOLD UP FRIENDS! PSA: ION Sky now requires you to spend at least $20 for a ticket to enter. We didn’t know and went there all excited to visit the revamped place. And that was when we were informed we needed to spend money at the mall to be allowed entry OR I think you can enter if you’re a customer of Salt grill & Sky bar (but this bar is at the 55th floor)? Correct me if I’m wrong.

On the final day, we met to get his last souvenir for himself and then headed back to school to enjoy the mala dish (spicy numbing stir-fry) we absolutely love. We had dinner together with a Korean friend of his!


We sat on the train all the way from Boon Lay to Changi Airport while I shared stories of my exchange in America. I didn’t think then that I would miss my friend this much. Now looking back, he made me enjoy life so much more this semester.

Whilst he frantically tried to get his luggage under the weight limit at the airport, I was on the receiving end of goodies he couldn’t bring back. LMAO #auntiealert

Credits: Menno de Roode

We took a few pictures at the airport and then it was time for him to enter the departure hall. This was when the drama started.

We hugged goodbye and then I walked away to catch my last train because it was late at night. BUT GUESS WHAT, I remembered all of a sudden that he popped a Kinder Bueno into my bag for us to share at the airport because I was hungry 24/7. And obviously I couldn’t be greedy and keep all the Kinder Bueno to myself. LOL I’m trying to not make this sound like an advertisement.

Okay so after Kinder Bueno popped into my brain, I turned around. He was looking in my direction and then I kinda yelled “Kinder Bueno” and he stepped out of his line heading into the departure hall. I walked towards him, took out the chocolate and tore open the packaging to give him one bar and I took the other one.

LOL, that last memory that we created was magical because it was something so beautiful as that of sharing. We hugged goodbye for good this time and I walked away.

Unwrapped the Bueno and munched on it slowly not wanting it to quickly enter my digestive system and never see it again. Those plastic bags of things from him felt so heavy on my arms just like my heart… And the chocolate? Didn’t taste as sweet… I took time to savour it and discard the wrapper because I knew this was the last I would see of him and of our memories (at least for a while). #longdistancefriendshipwoes

It was a chocolate bar I ate with a heavy heart.

Then memories flooded back when I was walking from the terminal to the train station and all the way when I made my way home.

WhatsApp Image 2017-09-04 at 2.19.54 AM.jpeg
Credits: Shubham Kastiya

Working out together… Him using the words “Ang Mo” (a white person) to describe himself… Doing assignments till the wee hours at our favourite study spots at school… It’s weird considering how he was an exchange student and working this hard. Splurging with his cash card because he wanted to spend all the money in it before going home…

Celebrating my birthday at Saint John’s Island and receiving Dutch candies and food as my presents lol…

Exploring rooftops and making “lit” (literally) pictures…

Cultivating my interest in architecture… Explaining to me how Changi was designed with the idea of a forest or jungle where the leaves were the silver things and the stems the brown pillars… He took care of me just like I was a younger sister although I’m older than him. HAHAHA

Introducing him to solo travelling and bubble tea…

Him introducing me to his friends and inviting me to outings… Him claiming to be my best friend from Holland lel. He told me how I was the only Singaporean who could stomach the Dutch candy. I still feel it tastes weird but edible hur hur.

As much as I know we may drift apart given our distance or how we may not meet each other for a long time to come, these memories will still be etched in my mind.

Thanks Menno for being there in my most trying semester. The feeling of loss right now is real.



Why it’s okay to not be productive all the time

Today’s post is a more reflective piece of how I feel about the topic of being productive, be it in my travels or other aspects of life. People know me as a person with things going on almost all the time, aka busy. I derive joy and excitement from being productive and getting things done. If you see my planner, you will probably gasp (as with many others before who have seen it). Gasp not from how organised it is (it is organised to me but not to the eyes of many hur hur) but from the “artistic” scribbles and cancellations that cover the pages. Despite that, I am still glad to say that I am proud of my planner. It makes me feel like I have done all the things I need to do, planned my day perfectly and lived a fulfilling life.

But there comes a time like now where it’s the break at the end of a semester and naturally, there is less work to be done. I have always wondered how my friends “enjoy” their breaks not being occupied with their personal work or work outside as in part-time jobs. There was once I held about five part-time jobs concurrently.

How is it possible that my friends can stay at home many days and not get extremely bored (which then makes me question the meaningfulness of that)?

I tried just resting at home whilst spending time with the fam more the past weeks (yes don’t kill me but my holidays started about a month ago). I could not get used to it at all. No to-do lists, and planning to be done? I found it extremely hard to pass time. I mean I have my trips to plan but there’s still some time before those trips. I told an exchange friend all the thoughts that went through my head and she commented how it was a disease that I could not fully enjoy my holidays without thinking about having to do something. Be it exercising, working, keeping myself occupied with social activities, travelling or planning to travel… I needed to get out of the house and do things.

And that’s when it struck me: It’s okay to not be a productivity machine. It’s okay to be best friends with your bed and reward yourself for that job well done by surviving the months in college.

To just be. To do something you like, say binge-watching dramas (which was what I did HAHA). Or to do nothing at all.

Those simple words (more like sarcasm 😛 hehee) from my exchange buddy changed how I looked at holidays. There are many others like me who schedule many things back to back and deprive themselves of any time to rest and relax. And when the next semester comes, it’s too late for regrets. Because then, it’s back to the grind.

At this stage, I will not say I’m comfortable doing nothing all the time. I still plan lots of things but I give myself ample rest because I am not a machine. And I don’t want to be one.